The diploma will take its cue from an Introduction to the history of the Church in Malta which goes back to Apostolic times. Studying this tradition allows you to deeper understand the formation of the national identity, which in many respects (culturally, socially, artistically) is intimately linked with the Catholic faith. It is necessary to understand the history of this institution to better understand its administration, as well as the works of art it has commissioned throughout the centuries. The Diploma being proposed will be an integral course, providing you with the elements necessary to interpret ecclesiastical cultural heritage within the broader context of significant events and movements in the Church's history. A basic study unit illustrating the theology of sacred space through architecture is also included, in order to bring you to relate the use of space with spiritual experience.
The diploma will take its cue from an Introduction to the history of the Church in Malta which goes back to Apostolic times. Studying this tradition allows you to deeper understand the formation of the national identity, which in many respects (culturally, socially, artistically) is intimately linked with the Catholic faith. It is necessary to understand the history of this institution to better understand its administration, as well as the works of art it has commissioned throughout the centuries. The Diploma being proposed will be an integral course providing, you with the elements necessary to interpret ecclesiastical cultural heritage within the broader context of significant events and movements in the Church's history.
It will also include an introduction to Ecclesiastical archivistics, focusing particularly on the archives of the Church in Malta. It is a fundamental principle of historical sciences that research is carried out using primary sources, which in most cases these are the documentary sources preserved in archives. Archives are created as a result of the bureaucratic function of an administration. The program will focus on the development of the diocesan bureaucratic structure of the Archdiocese, as well as the parochial administrative system, as read through the archival fonds.
The language used in the manuscripts and archival materials to be studied in this course are all written in the variant of Latin used by the Church from the Middle Ages onwards. Being an introductory course, you will be assisted in achieving a basic understanding of texts in ecclesiastical manuscripts. The various styles of handwriting and the use of the most common abbreviations, expressions and formulae (especially those found in baptismal, matrimonial and burial registers) will be highlighted and studied.
A basic study unit illustrating the theology of sacred space through architecture is also included, in order to bring you to relate the use of space with spiritual experience.
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Semester 1 | |||||
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Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s) | |||||
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HPA1301 | An Introduction to the History of the Church in Malta | 4 ECTS   |   | ||
HPA1302 | Introduction to Ecclesiastical Archives in Malta | 5 ECTS   |   | ||
HPA1303 | Sacred Art from the Palaeochristian to the Medieval Period: An Appreciation | 6 ECTS   |   | ||
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Semester 2 | |||||
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Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s) | |||||
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HPA1307 | Introduction to Research Methods | 5 ECTS   |   | ||
HPA1308 | Introduction to Ecclesiastical Latin 1 | 4 ECTS   |   | ||
LIS2611 | Preservation Studies | 4 ECTS   |   | ||
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Year   (This/these unit/s start/s in Semester 1 and continue/s in Semester 2) | |||||
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Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s) | |||||
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HPA1309 | Field Work Experience | 6 ECTS   |   | ||
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Semester 1 | |||||
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Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s) | |||||
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HPA1304 | Sacred Art between Two Councils (Trent and Vatican II): An Appreciation | 6 ECTS   |   | ||
HPA1311 | Introduction to Ecclesiastical Latin 2 | 4 ECTS   |   | ||
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Semester 2 | |||||
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Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s) | |||||
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HPA1305 | An Introduction to the Theology and Architecture of the Liturgical Space | 4 ECTS   |   | ||
HPA1306 | The Church as Heritage Site | 4 ECTS   |   | ||
HPA1310 | Long Essay Project | 8 ECTS   |   | ||
This programme of study is governed by The General Regulations for University Undergraduate Awards, 2019 and by the Bye-Laws for the award of Diploma in the Archival and Cultural Appreciation of Ecclesiastical Patrimony under the auspices of the Faculty of Theology.